octobre 12, 2022
Leamington Satellite Office Collaboration
On behalf of Maryvale, and specifically the youth and families we serve from the Leamington area, we would like to thank the Municipality of Leamington’s Mayor McDonald and Members of Council, Abraham Orthodontics and the management and staff of the Nature Fresh Farm Recreational Center for their forward thinking and commitment to youth
needing Maryvale’s services, by enabling us to continue our services in Leamington. Through this collaborative partnership, the Town of Leamington has significantly reduced our rental rate for the use of this office and initiated a generous donation from Abraham Orthodontics to further offset these costs.

During the pandemic, in response to the demands for services in this area, we increased the available services from 3 days to 5 days each week permitting us to see as many as 30-35 more youth each year. However, this commitment meant that we had to find a way to assume the cost of the rental rate to sustain this level of service. Now with this collaborative partnership, we will be able to provide this level of support on an ongoing basis.
A clinically trained therapist from Maryvale provides regularly scheduled counselling for youth 3 days per week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) at this Satellite Office at the Nature Farm Fresh Recreation Center and offers walk in services every Wednesday from 10 to 4 where youth or their families can come to the office and receive a single session of direct support from a clinically trained therapist. In addition, a Family Navigation Worker, is available every Friday at this office to help underserved youth and their families connect and navigate the local mental health and addictions system.
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